Lupeni is a locality situated in Harghita county, with a population of 1850 inhabitants.


Lupeni, Catholic school

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GPS Coordinates:
46.37681 N, 25.22273 E

The education of children in Lupeni began as early as 1785, only with elementary classes and in a single classroom. The increase in the number of children justified the construction of the first school in 1875. This building can still be seen today in the church garden.

It had two classrooms and a teacher's house. The writer Tamási Áron also studied in this school, announcing the commemorative stage and the statue in front of the building. In 1936 a new school was built. The old building is owned by the church.

Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR
Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR
Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR Catholic school, Lupeni , Photo: WR

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