Satu Mare is a locality situated in Harghita county, with a population of 1995 inhabitants.

Satu Mare

Satu Mare

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GPS Coordinates:
46.33917 N, 25.37941 E

On top of the hill that dominates the village stood one of the watchtowers of the great city. Although certification village dates from 1566, archaeological excavations have confirmed that the relics found there are the Bronze Age. Cave Kőlik, like others in the area were used as shelters in case of danger. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Satu Mare was a significant local population is above average Udvarhely seat. Those of its 17km, is the longest village in the county. Cars slow down here to admire the 200 Szekler gates one more beautiful than the other.

Satu Mare , Photo: Csedő Attila Satu Mare , Photo: Gábor Lajos
Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László Satu Mare , Photo: Csedő Attila Satu Mare , Photo: Turisztikai Információs Iroda Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László Satu Mare , Photo: Dénes Csilla-Hajnal Satu Mare , Photo: Gábor Lajos Satu Mare , Photo: Turisztikai Információs Iroda Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László Satu Mare , Photo: Turisztikai Információs Iroda
Satu Mare , Photo: Turisztikai Információs Iroda Satu Mare , Photo: Keszthelyi Zoltán Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László Satu Mare , Photo: Kőlik Hagyományőrző Művelődési Egyesület Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László Satu Mare , Photo: Turisztikai Információs Iroda Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László Satu Mare , Photo: Dezső László

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