Răstolț is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 210 inhabitants.



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GPS Coordinates:
47.02875 N, 23.07612 E

Răstolț village dates since 1334 and is on the south part of Sălaj County. It is placed in a deep valley and on the hills surrounded by widespread orchard forming real forests. A wooden church and an ethnographic museum are waiting for their visitors. At the entrance you will be surprised by locality board. The old one of iron disappeared in one night and the inventive inhabitants found a less tempting solution.

Răstolț, Sights

Wooden church Village museum Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: WR
Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: Valeria Lehene Răstolț , Photo: WR Răstolț , Photo: WR

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