Mihăileni is a locality situated in Sibiu county, with a population of 235 inhabitants.


Canyon Mihaileni

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GPS Coordinates:
45.98014 N, 24.35386 E

The geological and landscape reserve Canyon of Mihăileni or Râpa lui Brod is situated at approx. one kilometer from the Mihăileni locality, along the Calva brook and stretches over an area of 15 hectares. The canyon due to erosion of sandy sediments has a length of approx. 0, 5 km and the height of the walls varies between 6 and 25 m.

To visit this mysterious world, you can go through the ripped riverbed that dug this canyon.

The vegetation at the base of the walls is abundant. To reach the canyon, we must follow the direction shown by the indicator in the center of Mihaileni. The canyon is behind a vegetation curtain.

Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel
Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Septimiu Sârbu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Septimiu Sârbu
Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Septimiu Sârbu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Septimiu Sârbu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Septimiu Sârbu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel
Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Liviu Odagiu Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel
Canyon Mihaileni, Mihăileni , Photo: Alin Anghel

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