Dealu is a locality situated in Harghita county, with a population of 1849 inhabitants.


Dealu, Urusos spring

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GPS Coordinates:
46.43571 N, 25.31878 E

Dealu was once a well-known place of pilgrimage. According to tradition, the appearance of the healing spring Urusos in the field of the Chapel is attributed to King St. Ladislaus, who prayed for the health of his soldiers with ulcers. Where he thrust his sword into the ground and a spring appeared, it became a place of pilgrimage, with people coming to wash the diseased parts of his body. On the sticks around the well hung the clothes of seriously ill patients. A chapel was also built nearby where people made pilgrimages on Holy Thursday every year. Due to frequent altercations, in 1873 the chapel was demolished by the Bishop of Transylvania Ignácz Batthyány. Despite the ban, the tradition has been preserved, with people coming every year to the healing fountain with a cross and a flag. Nowadays, tradition comes to life again. In memory of the pope's visit to Romania, the faithful planted a fir tree near the spring.

Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: Csedő Attila Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: Csedő Attila
Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: Andrei Popa Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: Csedő Attila Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR
Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR Urusos spring, Dealu , Photo: WR

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