Stana is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 278 inhabitants.



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GPS Coordinates:
46.86837 N, 23.14459 E

The settlement Stana is famous for a curious building from the border of the village: Varjuvar.

In fact it is the house built by Kos Karoly (1883-1977), renamed architect, graphic artist, writer, ethnograph and politician. He projected: The National Secui Museum and the Hospital of Sfantu Gheorge, the reformed church from the Motilor street of Cluj. He was a good cognizant of the traditions of this region of the country named Kalotaszeg therefore he decided to build a house for his family in Stana. This fortress was the workhouse for Kos Karoly. To Varjuvar we may get only by feet after a walk of an hour.

Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila
Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila Stana-Varjúvár, Photo: Lokodi Attila
Varjúvár, Stana Stana Varjuvar, Photo: Laczik István Varjúvár, Stana

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